UME Cobra noise canceling microphone

The UME Cobra extreme noise cancelling performance mic is the perfect microphone of choice for noisy and harsh environments, due to its unique and extreme noise attenuation performance

  • Dramatic Noise Reduction - average 10 dB improvement over the M-87 with a maximum of 30 db improvement

  • Ideal for noisy environments - such as hoist operator, rescue diver, door gunner etc

  • Patented noise cancellation technology – Unique 2-port noise cancellation technology focusing on speech in the front port and deflecting background noise in the back port

  • Available versions:

    • Hinged or plug-in mount to mic cord/Boom

    • Dynamic 5 Ohm or 150 Ohm, Electret amplified

    • Waterproof or non-waterproof

Detailed noise attenuation data are available in the product data sheets below

Impedance Sensitivity Frequency S/N Ratio
5 Ohm -69dBV/Pa 50-20,000 Hz >70 dB
150 Ohm -60dBV/Pa 50-20,000 Hz >70 dB
Electret -43dBV/Pa 50-20,000 Hz >75 dB
pdf pdf/1635760918_nss-ume-cobra-product-data-sheet
pdf pdf/blackhawkdemo