Dear customer!
With reference to the current outbreak of COVID-19, we are taking the situation seriously and have adapted our routines internally as well as vs our customers and suppliers accordingly, to protect our customers, employees, suppliers and the business, and to minimize further spread of COVID-19.
At the same time we realize its of highest importance to continue supporting the Flight police and helicopter ambulance operations during the Covid-19 outbreak and we therefore keep the company and business open.
We follow the development, recommendations and regulations advised by the local authorities, and further to this we have also implemented the following rules and regulations internally:
- all visits to and from customers and suppliers are cancelled until further notice
- social distance shall be kept between employees and disinfectants shall be used by all staff during the working day
- All incoming and outgoing goods is sprayed with disinfectant liquid, and staff is performing personal disinfection routine after handling packages and products. All goods are kept in 24 hours quaranteen before handled further in the workshop.
Our employees are recommended to take similar pre-cautions also at home and follow the regulations given by the local authorities.
With these rules and regulation we hope to protect our staff, customers, suppliers in the current situation.
In case you have any further questions or requested concerning how we manage the Covid-19 situation, please contact myself.
Johan Eriksson, VD